Panza Party Sample Information for an email inquiry
We recommend you supply all the information in this list and send it to us in an email:
Let us know...
Name of the Panza Party host
Name of the organization (if applicable)
Your phone number
Your email address
Are you hosting a public or private Panza Party?
Date of the Panza Party
Do you want to sell copies of The Panza Monologues, Second Edition book at your party? Contact Sales & Marketing at UT Press.
Would you consider selling single copies of the The Panza Monologues DVD at your party?
Would you like further information about possibly inviting one of the artists to your party? (Dependent on artist schedule and availability.)
Please provide a brief description of your party/theme/occasion for the Panza Party.
Do you need to order The Panza Monologues DVD for your party?